My Books
Welcome to my author page showcasing trade books that are available for sale on Amazon. Books are purchased separately on Amazon. However these books may have companion products listed in this store, and can be purchased and downloaded here on Daydream Bible Art. Follow the links in the description to both the book and related products. .

Title: Twenty-One Pearls of Wisdom: A 21-Day Study of Proverbs.
Every believer needs the wisdom of God to live victoriously in a world dominated by faulty and futile thinking. With God’s wisdom, our minds are trained for righteous living and heavenly pursuits.
Human wisdom leads to lives that are empty, full of regret, and destructive consequences. God’s wisdom leads to life! We are told in Proverbs 2 that godly wisdom begins with a proper fear of God and beholding our sovereign Father with awed-filled reverence. Study prompts will invite participants to explore three primary components of the book: “Acquiring the Pearls of Wisdom,” “Treasuring the Pearls of Wisdom,” and “Wearing the Pearls of Wisdom.”
This book is interactive with study prompts and places to do verse study and personal reflection.
Available on Amazon: Purchase HERE.
Purchase coordinating printable on Daydream Bible Art HERE